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What are options are available for setting up my multiple-section course on bCourses?


4.0 - Updated on 2023-08-15 by Miles Lincoln

3.0 - Updated on 2022-02-03 by Sara Viray

2.0 - Updated on 2020-05-12 by Steven Williams

1.0 - Authored on 2017-12-05 by Paula Miranda

If you are teaching a course with multiple sections, we recommend a couple of different options for setting up your bCourses sites for them, depending on how you and your teaching team would like to manage your course materials and student enrollments.

Option A: One site for all sections (Recommended for most situations)

Information graphic depicting icons of LEC and DIS rosters together with other icons representing all course elements and activities 

In this set up, there is one site that has all of the rosters, as well as the course materials and activities/assessments (e.g. Files, Announcements, Discussion Forums, Assignments, etc.). Many instructors of multiple-section courses use this method.


FAQs about this setup

Q: Will I be able to filter to a particular section, so that I don't have to look through the entire roster of students to find the ones in my section?

A: Yes! You can filter to a section in the Gradebook, Speedgrader, as well as in the Inbox tool, see screenshots below:

Screenshot of the section filter in the Gradebook

Section filter in the Gradebook

Screenshot of the section filter in Speedgrader

Section filter in the Speedgrader

Screenshot of the Course Sections filter when composing an email

Section filter in the Inbox (bCourses email tool)


Q: Why do I need to include the DIS/LAB rosters in this site if the LEC roster will have all of the students?

A: Including the DIS/LAB rosters in the site in addition to the LEC roster allows instructors to do the following:

Q: Since all students have access to this site, can I restrict access to certain files by section so that students from other sections don’t see them?

A: No, files or folders in the Files tool cannot be restricted to a particular section of students. If you need to restrict files by section, you may want to create a group for your section (instructions) or consider choosing Option B (read more below).

Option B: Separate sites for each section

Information graphic depicting icon of a LEC roster together with other icons representing all course elements and activities

  Information graphic depicting icon of a DIS roster together with other icons representing all course elements and activities Information graphic depicting icon of a DIS roster together with other icons representing all course elements and activities

Information graphic depicting icon of a DIS roster together with other icons representing all course elements and activities

In this set up, each section roster is in its own course site. These sites are not at all connected to each other. Also, for the majority of students who are enrolled in both the LEC and DIS/LAB sections, they will have two sites to go to.

Tips for using this set up

Multiple Section Features Comparison 

I want to...  OPTION A OPTION B 

Create one assignment that will be submitted by all students (LEC + LAB/DIS sections)


Create one assignment for a specific section

✔︎   ✔︎

Make files available only to a specific section 


Filter the gradebook by section

✔︎   ✔︎

Post section-specific announcements 

✔︎  ✔︎

Send section-specific messages via the Inbox/Conversations tool

 ✔︎  ✔︎

Grade all students in one place


Restrict a discussion forum to just a particular section (no one else can view or participate)

(must be graded)


If you have any questions or would like guidance on how to set up your course site, we'd love to help! Please contact

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