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How do I add or remove a section roster from my course site?


6.0 - Updated on 2024-09-11 by Catherine McChrystal

5.0 - Updated on 2024-02-27 by Miles Lincoln

4.0 - Updated on 2022-09-27 by Miles Lincoln

3.0 - Updated on 2022-08-25 by Miles Lincoln

2.0 - Updated on 2021-11-16 by Sara Viray

1.0 - Authored on 2015-07-14 by Alyssa Ferrell

Instructors of record can use the Create & Manage Sites tool to add (link) or remove (unlink) section rosters from their course site, see instructions below.

Please note: Instructors can only add or remove the sections to which they are officially assigned.



Click on the Create & Manage Sites link on the user/account navigation menu. 

User Menu with "Manage Sites" highlighted 


From the Manage Sites tool, select (A) Manage official sections of an existing site and then select your course from the dropdown menu (B) then select “Next.”

Manage Sites interface with "manage official sections" option selected



You will now be shown the sections currently linked to this course site. Select “Edit Sections” to make changes.

Interface showing the sections currently linked to a course site

A. To add a section: Click on Link to add the section available (based on official teaching assignment of the instructor or GSI who is performing this task).


B. To unlink/remove a section: Click on Unlink to remove a section currently included in the course site.

Interface showing how to link and unlink sections from a course site

C: You can use the Undo Link or Undo Unlink buttons to make further changes before selecting Save Changes to finalize the update.