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WiFi Service Eligibility (eduroam and Berkeley-IoT wireless network)


10.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by Sean Schluntz

9.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by Sean Schluntz

8.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by Sean Schluntz

7.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by Sean Schluntz

6.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by Cammie Lambert

5.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by Sean Schluntz

4.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by Sean Schluntz

3.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by Sean Schluntz

2.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by Sean Schluntz

1.0 - Authored on 2019-07-22 by Sean Schluntz

The following is a summary of the affiliations allowed to create accounts and use on the eduroam and Berkeley-IoT wireless networks offered by the University of California Berkeley. Individuals who are not members of a listed affiliation can use the Berkeley-Visitor Wi-Fi service

Access to the eduroam wireless network requires a username and password, it will not work with your CalNet or Active Directory password.  To setup, or update, your WiFi access key please visit the Berkeley Portal WiFi account management (instructions for the service). 


Access Issues?

First, review the knowledge base instructions on connecting your platform to eduroam including rebooting your device. If this does not resolve connectivity and you a member of the UC Berkeley community with a CalNet ID please contact us for help:

If you are a visitor from a partner institution please contact your institution's support group.

WiFi Eligible Affiliations

Affiliation / CalGroups Name LDAP Attribute
All Employees edu:berkeley:official:employees:all-emp
All UCPath Affiliates edu:berkeley:official:affiliates:ucpath-affiliates-all
All-Student-Types edu:berkeley:official:students:all-students-types
Committee Member edu:berkeley:official:affiliates:committee-member
Contractor edu:berkeley:official:affiliates:contractor
Emeriti-All edu:berkeley:official:AS-Curated:Emeriti-All
Former-Employees edu:berkeley:official:employees:former-employees
Former-Students edu:berkeley:official:students:former-students
HHMI Scholar Researcher edu:berkeley:official:affiliates:hhmi-scholar-researcher
Independent-Contractor-Consultant edu:berkeley:official:affiliates:independent-contractor-consultant
LBL OP Staff edu:berkeley:official:affiliates:lblop-staff
LBL/DOE PostDoc edu:berkeley:official:affiliates:lbl-doe-postdoc
Research-Associate edu:berkeley:official:affiliates:research-associate
Research-Fellow edu:berkeley:official:affiliates:research-fellow
Retiree (Staff) edu:berkeley:official:affiliates:retiree
Special Purpose Accounts (SPA) edu:berkeley:official:spas
Staff of UC/OP/Affiliated Orgs edu:berkeley:official:affiliates:uc-op-aff-orgs
Staff-Emeritus edu:berkeley:official:affiliates:staff-emeritus
Temp-Agency-Staff edu:berkeley:official:affiliates:temp-agency-staff
UC-Employee-Different-BU edu:berkeley:official:affiliates:uc-employee-different-bu
Visiting Scholar edu:berkeley:official:affiliates:visiting-scholar
Visiting-Student-Researcher edu:berkeley:official:affiliates:visiting-student-researcher
Volunteer edu:berkeley:official:affiliates:volunteer