Box Service Level Agreement
1 General Overview
This is a Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the UC Berkeley campus community and Berkeley IT to document:
- Box Service Description
- General levels of response, availability, and maintenance associated with this service
- Responsibilities of Berkeley IT as a provider of these services
- Responsibilities of the clients receiving these services
This Agreement is valid from March 2022. Review will be completed every year, or as otherwise needed.
2 Service Description
2.1 Service Scope
Box is an online option ideal for sharing individual, group, or departmental files, including documents, photos, research, and more. Integration with Microsoft Office online, mobile and desktop apps, cloud-based hosting. Accessible via the web, desktop, or mobile app.
2.2 Service Eligibility
The Berkeley Box service is available to the following campus affiliations:
Departmental Use
- Special Purpose Accounts (SPAs): 500 GB quota
- eligible for incremental quota increase on request
- SPAs are not impacted by the account lifecycle process outlined in section 3.2
Personal Use
- Students: 50 GB quota
- Faculty and other academic titles, including Emeriti: 50 GB quota
- eligible for incremental quota increase on request
- Staff: 50 GB quota
- UCPath Affiliates, except Staff Retirees: 50 GB quota
- Personal accounts remain eligible through the end of their grace period
Not Eligible
- Alumni
- Staff Retirees
Conditions of Eligibility for a Quota Increase
- The Box account must be owned by a SPA or a faculty or academic titled employee.
- The storage consumption must be within 10% of the existing storage quota at the time of the increase request.
- SPA accounts will be increased in increments of 200GB, not to exceed 1TB unless reviewed by the Box service lead.
- Faculty and academic accounts will be increased in increments of 100GB, not to exceed 500GB unless reviewed by the Box service lead.
- Agreement to the terms in the 'Accounts Above Standard Quota' paragraph in section 3.3 of this document.
2.3 Operating Parameters
The Box service is provided to people who work for or attend UC Berkeley, including faculty, staff, students, and others for UC Berkeley related business, education and research. Collaborators outside of UC Berkeley can use their own consumer or enterprise Box accounts to access content shared with them from UC Berkeley Box accounts.
2.4 Service Level Performance
For support requests submitted online via ServiceNow, response times will be tracked and reported as part of the Berkeley IT and Campus SLA.
3 Roles and Responsibilities
3.1 Parties
The following Service Owner(s) will be used as the basis of the Agreement and represent the primary stakeholders associated with this SLA:
Stakeholder |
Title/Role |
Contact Information |
Jon Hays |
IT Service Manager |
Sarah Bailey |
Box Service Lead |
3.2 Berkeley IT Responsibilities
Berkeley IT responsibilities and/or requirements in support of this Agreement include:
- Manage Box environment for UC Berkeley, including provisioning and deprovisioning of accounts
- Implement and maintain the account and content lifecycle for non-SPAs:
- For customers in their grace period, the Box account and data remain fully accessible. Once an account expires, the account and content stored in Box will begin the decommissioning cycle.
- On the date of account expiration, the account will become inaccessible to the account holder, but the data owned by the account shared with other accounts will continue to be available for six months.
- Six months after expiration, the data will no longer be available to collaborators.
- One year after expiration, the account and all data owned by the account will be irrevocably deleted.
- Provide timely notice to customers who are collaborators on content owned by an expired account so that the content can be claimed prior to removal.
- Provide storage quota increases upon request for the following account types: faculty and academic employee personal accounts, SPAs.
- Provide timely notice to customers if costs will be introduced for additional storage consumption beyond the quota.
- Manage Box add-on and integration requests
- Meet response times associated with the priority assigned to incidents and service requests in the IT Request ticketing system (ServiceNow).
- Post scheduled changes on the Berkeley IT Change Management calendar, notify IT managers and campus business partners, and notify all faculty, staff, and students when needed.
- Follow the principle of least perusal, policy for access without consent, and other specifications in the UC Electronic Communications Policy.
3.3 Customer Responsibilities
Customer responsibilities and/or requirements in support of this Agreement include:
- Following acceptable use guidelines within the Box contract
- Customers should not use Box as a primary data backup repository or for the storage of data that is not intended for regular access and use, such as operating system files, application files, or any other files that are not listed by Box as supported file types on Box’s website.
- Adherence to the following policies:
- Maintaining storage consumption within the allocated quota
- Departments are responsible for reclaiming content owned by offboarding customers upon notification
- Responsible storage and ownership of data
- Departmental, administrative, and research content should be owned by a SPA
- Personal content should remain in personal accounts
- Contact the IT Service Manager for additions or changes in established service levels
- Students should contact the Student Help Desk for incidents
- Faculty and staff should contact the ITCS Service Desk for incidents
4 Requesting Service
- Online/IT Request:
- Phone: 510-664-9000
- Email:
5 Hours of Coverage, Response Times and Escalation
For all requests, the IS&T goal is to have a staff member assigned and acknowledge requests within four business hours of receipt. Campus priorities may require exceptions to this goal during certain periods of the Academic year, including curtailment and holidays.
5.1 Hours of Coverage
Box Service staff coverage is provided 8AM - 5PM, Monday - Friday except for holidays and campus closure, including curtailment days.
5.2 Service Outages and Major Incidents
The Box service is monitored by the Box service team. Any outage that impacts the ability for the campus community to complete work will follow standard notification procedures starting with the service desks and One IT, and will be posted at Any support tickets related to outages will be addressed during the next hours of coverage, noted in section 5.1 of this document. Outages classified as a major incident will follow major incident protocols. Information about Box service disruptions is available at
6 Maintenance and Service Changes
The Box Service abides by the standard maintenance and service change process whenever possible. Changes are listed on the Berkeley System Status page:
7 Pricing
Berkeley Box accounts are currently funded through the Productivity Suite, and have no direct charge to users.
If a pay option is introduced, no earlier than fiscal year 2024, the customer will be responsible for payment to maintain a storage quota above the standard level. If a quota increase is requested and granted prior to the pay option implementation, this indicates the customer’s agreement to pay for the increased quota level if/when a pay for more storage option is introduced.
8 Reviewing and Reporting
First-contact response time to incidents and service requests are published here: