Beginning March 6, 2024, existing alumni with an active account and future alumni will be required to follow a transition process to maintain a UC Berkeley-provided Google account. The transition process includes an initial renewal of the service, acknowledgment of these terms, and reductions to below 5 GB of total storage usage across all associated Google account services. Go to Alumni Email Service for more information.
1 General Overview
This document describes the bounds, limits and terms of use for email services made available to eligible alumni and attendees of UC Berkeley.
- Alumni Email Service Description
- General levels of response, availability, and maintenance associated with this service
- Responsibilities of Berkeley IT as a provider of these services
- Responsibilities of alumni receiving these services
2 Service Description
2.1 Service Definition
The Alumni Email Service provides eligible alumni and attendees with a email address. Email addresses are currently provided to eligible alumni and attendees using the same Google Workspace for Education account that they used as students.
2.2 Service Eligibility
- Former students are eligible to renew during your grace period
- If you are an alum and also a recently separated employee, you can renew during your employee grace period
2.3 Service Parameters
- Authentication Requirements: Alumni and attendees can only use the Alumni Email Service by logging in using an active CalNetID and passphrase that meet campus IT security standards and policies. These policies will be strictly enforced by UC Berkeley's Information Security Office without exception.
- Service Limits: All other Google Workspace for Education services EXCEPT Gmail are ancillary to the Alumni Email Service, are subject to additional limits, and may be disabled at the discretion of UC Berkeley.
- Storage Limits: All Google accounts used to provide email services to Alumni will be limited to 5 GB of total account storage by July 15, 2024.
2.4 Service Level Expectations & Performance
Berkeley IT provides limited support to Alumni for email services including:
- Verification of eligibility and access to Berkeley provided Google accounts
- Clarification of service limits and restrictions
- Response to privacy or security threats identified in the course of using this service
Berkeley IT does NOT provide the following supports for email services provided to Alumni:
- General technical support in the use of Gmail or other Google Workspace for Education services
- Support for computers, desktop email clients, or third-party email accounts where email is forwarded
3 Roles and Responsibilities
3.1 Parties
The following parties have responsibilities under this agreement:
- Berkeley IT
- Eligible Berkeley Alumni and Attendees
3.2 Berkeley IT Responsibilities
Berkeley IT responsibilities and/or requirements in support of this Agreement include:
- Overall management of Google accounts including Google Workspace, accounts, renewal processes, security and maintenance
- Responses to incidents and service requests in the IT Request ticketing system (ServiceNow)
- Follow the principle of least perusal, policy for access without consent, and other specifications in the UC Electronic Communications Policy.
3.3 Alumni Responsibilities
Alumni responsibilities and/or requirements in support of this Agreement include:
- Adherence to the following campus and UC policies:
- Following acceptable use guidelines within the Google Workspace terms of service
- Specific prohibited conduct:
- Sending of unsolicited email (SPAM) for any purpose
- Activities that are illegal or fraudulent
- Use that inaccurately implies endorsement, approval, or sponsorship by UC Berkeley (or any individual officer of the university)
- Use that can be confused with official communications of UC Berkeley or its officers
- Use that can be confused with official communications of the California Alumni Association or its officers
- Personal mass mailings of any size beyond 5 recipients
- Activities that violate the privacy of other customers, such as transferring membership access to the system or releasing personal information about others (for example, name, address, email address, or phone number)
- Activities that further commercial or other personal financial gain
- Activities that solicit donations
- Harassment of any individual
UC Berkeley reserves the right to deny any individual access to the alumni email service. This applies expressly to those who violate the above standards or other applicable policies and procedures. Participants in the alumni email service who misuse information and communication services may be permanently removed at any time from the alumni email service, and risk legal action for failure to abide by these policies and procedures.
Please contact support for feedback or to report violations of this code of conduct. UC Berkeley is not responsible for the content of in-system messages, email service, and public profiles and will not routinely monitor content. The University, however, reserves the right to reorganize or delete any messages, photos, and public profiles and may at its discretion reassign registration or ownership.
Cause for such termination of alumni email service shall include, but not be limited to:
- Breaches or violations of the alumni email service SLA (this document) and related university policies
- Requests by alumni for self-initiated account deletions
- Discontinuance or modification to the alumni email service
- Technical or security related incidents or problems
When possible, customers will receive a single warning about behavior that violates the Code of Conduct and policies governing the alumni email service. The warning will cite the specific behavior or behaviors that violate the policy, invite the user to respond, and explain that rights to the alumni email service will be terminated if the cited behavior is repeated.
When a user’s alumni email service is terminated, UC Berkeley will:
- Notify the holder of the account via email that their access to the alumni email service is being terminated
- Terminate the access to the alumni email service, including the email service and ancillary services
4 Requesting Service
Beginning March 6, 2024, alumni with an active account and future graduates will be required to follow a transition process in order to maintain a UC Berkeley-provided Google account. The transition process includes an initial renewal of the service, acknowledgment of these terms, and reductions to below 5 GB of total storage usage across all associated Google account services. Go to Alumni Email Service for more information.
5 Hours of Coverage, Response Times and Escalation
For all requests, the Berkeley IT goal is to have a staff member assigned and acknowledge requests within four business hours of receipt. Campus priorities may require exceptions to this goal during certain periods of the academic year, including curtailment and holidays.
5.1 Hours of Coverage
Service coverage is provided 8AM - 5PM PT, Monday - Friday except for holidays including curtailment days, and campus closure.
5.2 Service Outages and Major Incidents
The alumni email service is monitored by Berkeley IT. Any outage that impacts standard operability will be posted at Outages classified as a major incident will follow major incident protocols. Information about Google Workspace service disruptions is available at
6 Maintenance and Service Changes
The alumni email service abides by the standard maintenance and service change process whenever possible. Changes are listed on the Berkeley System Status page:
7 Pricing
Email services for alumni are currently funded by UC Berkeley as a privilege and limited benefit to alumni. There are no charges to alumni for using the alumni email service. All UC Berkeley Google account provided to alumni will be limited to 5 GB of total storage with no options for alumni to purchase additional storage.