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Zoom FAQs


6.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by Jen Bellenger

5.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by Jen Bellenger

4.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by itsm kb_api

3.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by itsm kb_api

2.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by itsm kb_api

1.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by

Zoom FAQs

How do I sign into my UC Berkeley Zoom account?

Always sign in using Single Sign On (SSO) to get into your UC Berkeley Zoom account. Gmail, Facebook, and other sign in methods have been discontinued and may cause your account to be locked temporarily. 

Step-by-step instructions for signing in are published here: How to sign into your UC Berkeley Zoom account

Who is eligible for a UC Berkeley Zoom account?

The following affiliations are eligible for a Licensed Zoom account:

The following affiliations are eligible for a Basic Zoom account:

More information is covered in our Zoom Service Level Agreement

How do I get add-on services like toll-free numbers, Webinar or Zoom Room on my account?

Zoom accounts do not come with services such as toll-free numbers, webinar capabilities, or large meeting capacity. These add-on services are available for purchase through the Telecom Catalog System. 

More information about pricing and how to order is published here: Zoom license & pricing information

How do I get a HIPAA-compliant Zoom account?

To request Zoom add-on services or a HIPAA-compliant Zoom account, submit a service request.

More information about HIPAA accounts is published here: What is HIPAA-Compliant Zoom and who should use it?

What hardware should I use when using my computer to join a meeting?

You can find recommendations for hardware and configuration here.

May I keep my Zoom account if I graduate or leave the university?

Unfortunately, no. After your grace period expires you may not keep your Zoom account.

More information is published here: Are alumni or CAA members eligible for UC Berkeley Zoom accounts? and Zoom Service Level Agreement

I need a departmental Zoom account, how can I create one?

You can create a Zoom account for your department associated with a Special Purpose Account (SPA). You will need the SPA, bConnected Google account to be created first, and then you can create a Zoom account for the SPA simply by signing into while logged in as the SPA.

See more information here: How do I set up a Zoom Licensed account for a Special Purpose Account (SPA)?