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What do bConnected List Managers need to know?


3.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by Karen Hurtado

2.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by Karen Hurtado

1.0 - Authored on 2017-05-09 by Jen Bellenger

What do you start out with?

bConnected Lists (Google Groups) come configured as standard mailing lists that allow you to communicate to list members through a group email address. When you create your list, you will determine who can post to your list, e.g., list managers only, members only, or the entire world. Your list will come established with specific permissions, such as the ability for managers to add or view members.

Your list is automatically available to use for sharing content in Google Apps, such as documents in bDrive or calendar invites in bCal. 

List managers have flexibility to update settings as they like, from the Manage section of Google Groups. 

Navigation path: My Groups > name of the group you want to edit > Manage in the upper-right corner. 

Enable web archive/set who can see posts

One of the most useful new features of bConnected Lists is the online archiving feature, which allows you to archive messages and make them available on the list’s page within Google Groups. 

It’s easy to turn this feature on by enabling archive messages to the group. To control who is able to see the items within the archive, you can adjust the setting controls. Keep in mind that your list subscribers won't be able to get daily summaries or combined updates if your list's messages aren't archived. 

Tip: If the web archive is enabled, and list members are allowed to see posts, they will be able to confirm their message was sent to the list successfully by checking the archive. 

Navigation path: Information > Content control > Archive options and Permissions > Basic permissions > View topics

Managing the membership of the bConnected List (Google Group)

Inviting/Adding new members

It is easy to invite or directly add members to your list. Before you begin, you will need to have the email addresses of the individuals you’d like to invite or add. We recommend you include an invitation/welcome message that includes links to the bConnected Lists service page so individuals can access support documents as needed. 

Note: if you directly add members with bConnected accounts you’ll want to add a welcome message in the “Write a welcome message” field in order to generate a welcome message. Non-bConnected members who are directly added will automatically receive a welcome message that includes the general information included in the Group description. 

See more information on inviting and subscribing members. 

Navigation path: Members > Direct Add Members or Members > Invite Members

Who’s allowed to join

By default, anyone with a bConnected account can request to join your list. (You’ll have to approve them before they become a member of the list.) 

You can change this setting to these options:

See: set basic permissions for more information. 

Navigation path: Permissions > Basic Permissions > Join the group 

Who’s a member?

The All Members page includes the date each member joined the List, as well as their current email delivery preferences.  By clicking on a member’s name, managers can set several options for the member. This is also where you can make other members of the group into Managers. See view members & modify member settings for details regarding the options. (To change who owns the list, use the UC Berkeley Manage Your Lists application.) 

Navigation path: Members > All Members

Who’s allowed to see members/members’ emails

By default, members’ emails are not visible to managers or members. If you would like to view members’ emails, you will need to update the access permissions to enable managers to view. You can enable this permission and change the access to “Managers of the Group”or “Members of the Group”.

Navigation path: Manage > Permissions > Access Permissions

Setting Group information

Subject prefix

If you wish to include a subject prefix in email notifications for all messages posted to your list, you will need to add it within the email options settings. We recommend surrounding the prefix with brackets, e.g., [List Name] within the subject line. 

Navigation path: Manage > Settings > Email Options

Group info

The information about your list can be reviewed and updated from the General Information page, including the list name (but not address), description, primary language, posting options, and iFrame HTML information.  It will also be sent as part of the welcome message to new members.  See the “Inviting/Adding new members” section above. 

See: Establish general information for more details.    

Navigation path: Manage > Information > General Information

Get listed in the directory 

By default, your list will not be listed in the Google Groups directory. If you wish to make your list browsable by others, you can list it in the Google Groups directory. This will make it visible to anyone on the internet, and they will not have to log in to see it.

Note: This setting does not affect who can see your list’s posts. Refer to Controlling visibility of the group posts for further information.

Navigation path: Manage > Information > Directory