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How do I create a new bConnected List (Google Group)?


bConnected account holders can create bConnected Lists (Google Groups). Google Groups can be owned by individuals or CalNet Special Purpose Accounts (SPAs). They can be used for email list communication, archiving web forums/online discussions, and for sharing content in bDrive or calendar events in bCal. To create a Google Group, visit Create List


Click the CREATE NEW LIST button to create a new list. 


Create new list




Enter your list name, and decide who can post messages to the list (managers only, members only - reject others, members only - held for manager approval, UC Berkeley community, Public) and click CREATE LIST button

Create new bConnected List


Once the list has been created you will manage settings directly in Google Groups.

Learn more about the bConnected Lists service

Tip: If this list is used for a departmental or group function, please login to the departmental CalNet Special Purpose Account (SPA) to create the Google Group. That way, the ownership will remain constant as people join and leave your organization.