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Changing Email Delivery Options for Members of a Google Group


Managers of a Google Group can change email delivery settings to allow, limit, or prevent email distribution to group members and other managers. Please note: regardless of how email delivery setting is configured for your group, individual members and managers can also change how they want to receive email from their groups.

Preventing email distribution completely by choosing No email will keep inquiries to the group in one spot, namely on the group's discussion board site, and not send messages to members or managers.

  1. Sign in to your bConnected Google Groups
  2. Click on the My Groups button.
  3. Click on your group name to open it.
  4. **Here is where you will be able check and respond to your group's messages if you prevent email distribution.
  5. Click the Manage button (top right). 
  6. Select ALL members and managers by clicking on the box next to Display Name
  7. Then go to Actions > Change delivery setting and select from the following options: