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Google Sites Terms of Service


2.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by Jen Bellenger

1.0 - Authored on 2017-07-25 by Jen Bellenger

Google Sites Terms of Service

Google Sites is a service used to create and maintain personal websites, wikis, and project sites for Berkeley community members. Use of Google Sites is bound by UC Berkeley’s G Suite Terms of Service, the Campus Online Activities Policy and Google’s Abuse Program Policies and Enforcement, pertaining to appropriate use and content published on personal websites.

Google Sites Usage Eligibility

Anyone with a bConnected Google Account can create and manage a Google Site. See account eligibility for more details.

Usage Rules

 As discussed within the Campus Online Activities Policy:

  1. Sites must always retain an owner; if you want your Site to remain active after you leave the university, consider using a departmentally-owned CalNet Special Purpose Account (SPA) to own the Site.
  2. Site owners may now publish their Google Site to a specific audience, the entire UC Berkeley organization or the public. 
  3. Google Sites is a core G Suite service. Site owners that are publishing to the public should only include data that conforms to Protection Level P1 standards. 
  4. UC Berkeley’s Google Sites implementation does not currently support the use of custom DNS names.

Google Sites owners are required to

Support coverage

Campus support for Google Sites is restricted to service outages and access issues. For help setting up or using Google Sites, please refer to the Google Sites Training and Help

Terms of Service updated Feb 2021.