Terms of Service: bConnected Mailing Lists
bConnected Lists, powered by Google Groups, is a service used to create and maintain mailing lists for UC Berkeley community members. The bConnected list service is bound by the Campus Email Service Policy and Campus Online Activities Policy, which should be reviewed for information on official mass mailings and mailing lists.
Mailing List Eligibility
Anyone with a bConnected Google Account can create and manage bConnected lists. See the account eligibility page for more details.
Usage Rules
- lists may not be used for commercial use or spamming users
- lists must be maintained and kept up to date by list owner, including membership and manager information
- lists must always retain an owner; if you want your list to remain active after you leave the university, consider using CalNet Special Purpose Account (SPA) to own the list
- list owners may determine whether to share the list with participants outside of the UC Berkeley community
Mailing list owners are required to
- obtain consent from all list recipients before adding them to the list*
- inform list members and new subscribers about the purpose of the list and the rules pertaining to posting to the list
- enforce appropriate use of list
- remove list access from users who do not abide by use policies
- determine if you would like your list published in the directory, or kept private
- control visibility of posts to appear in search results or recent discussions
- inform list members if the list is public or private
- departmentally managed mailing lists should be created using a CalNet Special Purpose Account (SPA) to allow for easy transfer of ownership
*An exception to this is for official campus communications.
Terms of Service effective April 27, 2016 upon launching of bConnected Lists service. View additional information at: https://bconnected.berkeley.edu/collaboration-services/bconnected-lists.