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Who can post to a bConnected List (Google Group)?


When your list is first created, you will have the following five options to choose from when deciding who can post to their bConnected list. It is important to determine how you wish your list to be used before choosing an option because the default setting may not fit your needs. 

1. Managers of the bConnected List - automatically reject postings from non-Managers 

This setting automatically rejects postings from anyone who is not a list manager. This setting works best when list managers need to retain control over the list and do not want list subscribers to be able to send to the list. This is the most restrictive setting available in bConnected Lists and is also the default.

2. Members of the bConnected List – automatically reject postings from non-members

This setting automatically rejects postings from anyone who is not a list subscriber. This works best when the list manager does not want to actively manage posts from the subscribers, but still restricts non-members from posting. 

3. Members only -- messages from non-members will be held for Manager Approval (DEFAULT OPTION) 

This setting allows members of the list to post, while all other messages will be held for Manager approval. This is the default option for bConnected Lists. 

4. Members; plus everyone with a bConnected Google account (faculty, students, staff, alumni & retirees)

This setting allows any UC Berkeley bConnected account holder to send to the list. If you wish your list to be open and unrestricted to the Berkeley community this is a good option for you.

5. Public: anyone in the world

This setting allows anyone in the world to post to your list, without moderation or approval from the list manager. This is a good option if your list is truly public and list managers are not concerned with restricting communication to only bConnected account holders. 

Once you have selected a posting setting for your list, don't worry, you can always change it after you've migrated/created your list by updating the posting permissions.