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What is the difference between Groups and Groups for Business (bConnected Lists)?


Google offers two types of Group services: Groups and Groups for Business. Both services make it easy to communicate and collaborate among group members. Currently, UC Berkeley has only enabled Google Groups. We are in the process of enabling Groups for Business as part of the bConnected Lists service.  


Groups for Business (bConnected Lists)

Groups for Business is a core Google App that will be launched on April 27, 2016 as part of the bConnected Lists service. Under the UCOP negotiated agreement, Google will provide a greater level of protection for your data within Groups for Business than they do for regular consumers. Thus, Groups for Business can be used with data approved for Protection Level 1. Use of the Core Apps are subject to University appropriate use guidelines and electronic records policies. We will communicate once a release date has been selected.

Groups created with Groups for Business will have a address.


Consumer Groups

Google Groups is a consumer Google app. It is not FERPA compliant, and should only be used with information intended for public access (Protection Level 0). Please use discretion when using Groups by not posting or requesting information that might violate student privacy, FERPA, or University policy. Learn more about keeping sensitive data safe.

Any groups you create in will have an address.

To use Groups with your UC Berkeley account, you will need to agree to Google’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. We recommend reviewing both the terms of service and privacy policy before using Groups.

CAUTION: To use the bConnected Lists service, do not create Google Groups using “”. bConnected Lists will be created via Manage Your Lists.

If you see the following message:

Note: You are creating a group on an external service using an account that is managed by Please think carefully before you create such a group, since it may be publicly visible and appear in search results

you are creating a group in the consumer version of Google Groups. Consumer Google Apps are not subject to the agreements that UC Berkeley has in place with Google regarding privacy, security, government access, and support.


Support Information

Please note: as a consumer app, UC Berkeley is unable to offer user support for Groups. For help, visit Google Apps Learning Center: Google Groups. We do offer user support for bConnected Lists (Groups for Business).