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Special Purpose Account (SPA) FAQ


3.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by Jen Bellenger

2.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by Summer Scanlan

1.0 - Authored on 2015-07-15 by Adam Zukauckas

What is a Special Purpose Account (SPA)?

Special Purpose Accounts (SPAs) are intended for collaboration and sharing. A SPA is a CalNet IDs. It can have a bConnected Google address and a Box account. SPAs, their contents/data, and the shared email account are owned by the institution and the primary department of the employee who creates the SPA at the time the SPA is created.

How do I create a SPA, or manage the members of an existing SPA?

SPAs can be managed via the SPA Admin App: You can manage any SPA of which you are a Direct Member via the admin app.

How do I create a bConnected Google Account for use with my SPA?

Instructions for creating a bConnected Google Account for use with your SPA can be found here :

What levels of access / permissions are available for a SPA?

There are two types of roles/access levels for a SPA. The first is direct member access, the second is delegated access.

Members of a SPA can do the following:

Delegates of a SPA can do the following:

Note: When sending email from a SPA as a delegate, recipients will see “This email sent on behalf of…”

If you need assistance determining what type of access should be granted, please contact the CSS-IT Service Desk at, or by calling 510-664-9000, Option 1

How do I login directly to a SPA?

Instructions for logging directly into a SPA can be found here :

How do I delegate access to a SPA?

First, log directly in to the SPA, using the instructions above.

Next, follow the instructions for delegating access to an account, which can be found here :