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How do I export grades from bCourses to E-Grades in CalCentral?


9.0 - Updated on 2023-12-05 by Miles Lincoln

8.0 - Updated on 2021-12-15 by Seyon Wind

7.0 - Updated on 2021-11-08 by Sara Viray

6.0 - Updated on 2020-12-04 by Seyon Wind

5.0 - Updated on 2020-12-04 by Seyon Wind

4.0 - Updated on 2020-12-04 by Seyon Wind

3.0 - Updated on 2020-04-24 by Miles Lincoln

2.0 - Updated on 2020-04-24 by Judith Stern

1.0 - Authored on 2015-07-13 by Alyssa Ferrell

Instructors can export students' total grades in bCourses into a CSV format that can be uploaded into the E-Grades tool in CalCentral. The process for submitting grades from bCourses to CalCentral has two parts:

A. Downloading your grades from bCourses into a CSV file.

B. Uploading the CSV file into CalCentral.

PART A. Download Your Grades from bCourses

STEP 1: Navigate to the Gradebook

In your bCourses course site, select the Grades link on the course navigation menu.

Grades Link in Course Navigation Menu

STEP 2: Select the E-GRADES button

Screenshot of E-Grades Button in the bCourses Gradebook

STEP 3: Set a Grading Scheme and Post Grades

(1) A grading scheme must be set for the course before continuing with the E-Grades export. If you have not enabled one, you will be prompted to do so. Clicking this link will take you to your course setting page, where you will check the "Enable Grading Scheme" option. You can review and modify your grading scheme at this point. See choose another grading scheme, or create your own.

(2) If you have assignments with unposted grades, you will need to manually review, and post them all. Look for any assignments in your gradebook with the crossed-out eye icon. For each of these, hover over, open the three vertical dot menu, and select "Post Grades." Leaving grades unposted may result in unexpected output.

(3) Return to the E-Grades page and select Continue to resume export.

Screenshot of the "Before exporting your E-Grades Page"

STEP 4: Download

(1) Select which section you wish to download.

(2) Enter the letter grade cutoff point for pass/no-pass grades. The E-Grades export tool will use this to automatically convert letter grades to PNP for students using that grading option. If you do not wish to automatically convert any letter grades to PNP, select the second option.

You can download Current Grades or Final Grades.

Once you select one of the options, you will be prompted to save the CSV file to your computer.

Screenshot of the "Export E-Grades" page.

PART B. Upload Your CSV File to CalCentral

Information on uploading a CSV to CalCentral can be found in this Quick Guide for Instructors (PDF).

General instructions on uploading grades to CalCentral can be found on the Office of the Registrar's website under the heading "Quick Guides, Videos, and FAQs."