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Managing KB Articles


4.0 - Updated on 2024-08-05 by Sarah Gonzales

3.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by Cammie Lambert

2.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by Cammie Lambert

1.0 - Authored on 2022-10-25 by Cammie Lambert


  1. Log into ServiceNow
  2. From the left menu, select Service Desk => Knowledge.

    Select Knowledge from left menu

  3. Select the appropriate Knowledge Base for the article to appear.

  4. Select Create an Article

  5. Select the Standard article template, and press Next.

    Select KB Article Standard Template

  6. The article is ready for editing! 

Edit a KB Article

Tip: Before you begin creating a new KB article, search for duplicates to ensure you are not creating content that someone has already provided in the KB or has similar content. Please contact the author(s) of existing articles directly if there is a need to revise and/or add articles for the topic being presented. Do not edit other people’s articles without express permission.

  1. Categorize the article 
    Select Category to bring up the Category picker.
    Next, select the Service Category in the far left column => select Business Service => Application Service/Technology => click OK. 

  2. Set scheduled publish date (OPTIONAL)
    To set a specific time and day for a knowledge article to be published automatically at a specific date and time, set a Scheduled Publish Date.
    • The Scheduled Published Date must be set at least 24 hr after the current date.
    • KB articles in the IT public Knowledgbase are published upon approval completion.
      • Once submitted, the KB article is updated to Review.
      • The approval completion affects the scheduled publishing as follows:
        • If the approvals are completed before the scheduled publish date, the KB article is updated to Scheduled for publish and the article is published on the scheduled publish date.
        • If the approval is completed after the scheduled publish date, the article is published immediately on the approval completion.
    • Tip: If you want to cancel an article's scheduled publication and move the article back to the Draft state, click Recall.

    Schedule KB to publish at a future date

  3. Enter a valid to date. It is recommended that the valid to date be set up to 1 year in the future to ensure the article is regularly reviewed and updated as needed. 
  4. The Short Description represents the article title and is searchable.
  5. Enter content into the Article Body. 
  6. Enter meta data.
  7. Submit for approval.
    Note that the KB articles require a Knowledge Manager to approve the creation or modification of an article. Once approved, the KB will be available for viewing.