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How do I add users to my course site?


18.0 - Updated on 2024-04-04 by Miles Lincoln

17.0 - Updated on 2024-02-28 by Miles Lincoln

16.0 - Updated on 2024-02-28 by Miles Lincoln

15.0 - Updated on 2022-09-14 by Miles Lincoln

14.0 - Updated on 2022-02-08 by Seyon Wind

13.0 - Updated on 2021-11-08 by Sara Viray

12.0 - Updated on 2020-09-01 by Seyon Wind

11.0 - Updated on 2020-01-08 by Seyon Wind

10.0 - Updated on 2020-01-08 by Seyon Wind

9.0 - Updated on 2019-09-09 by Seyon Wind

8.0 - Updated on 2019-09-09 by Seyon Wind

7.0 - Updated on 2019-08-30 by Seyon Wind

6.0 - Updated on 2019-08-30 by Seyon Wind

5.0 - Updated on 2019-05-24 by Seyon Wind

4.0 - Updated on 2019-05-24 by Seyon Wind

3.0 - Updated on 2019-05-24 by Seyon Wind

2.0 - Updated on 2019-05-24 by Seyon Wind

1.0 - Authored on 2015-08-06 by Paula Miranda

There are two methods for adding people in bCourses.

A. +People button

B. Find a Person to Add link

You can add people to your course site by Email Address, Berkeley UID,* or Student ID.

*We recommend adding people by Berkeley (CalNet) UID since some email addresses are not linked to bCourses accounts and not all users have Student IDs.

A. +People button


Select the People link in the Course Navigation menu.

Screenshot of course navigation menu with People highlighted


Select the +People button on the upper-right corner of the People page; a new window will pop up.

Screenshot of People tool with "+People" button highlighted


In the 'Add People' window:

  1. Choose which information you will be using to add this user: Email Address, Berkeley (CalNet) UID,* or Student ID.
  2. Enter the user's Email Address, Berkeley (CalNet) UID, or Student ID in this field.
  3. Select the role you would like them to have from the dropdown list.
  4. Choose the section you would like them to be in.
  5. Optional: Select the box for "Can interact with users in their section only" if you'd like to limit the user's ability to interact with just their section only.
  6. Select Next to continue.

Screenshot of Add People dialog box with various parts highlighted according to Step 3 instructions


If the person has a valid Berkeley (CalNet) UID, then a validation message will pop up. You are now ready to select the Add Users button.

If you are unable to add this person, it means that the information you are using to add them is incorrect, or they do not have a Berkeley (CalNet) UID.

Screenshot of Add Users dialog box with "Add Users" button highlighted

B. Find a Person to Add link


Select the People link in the Course Navigation menu.

Screenshot of course navigation menu with People tool highlighted


Select the +People button on the upper-right corner of the People page; a new window will pop-up.

Screenshot of People tool with +People highlighted


From the 'Add People' window, select Find a Person to Add

Screenshot of Add People dialog box with "Find a Person to Add" link highlighted


In the 'Find a Person to Add' window enter the name of the person you are looking for and select the 'Search' button on the right. You can also search for people using their email or Berkeley (CalNet) UID.

Screenshot of Find a Person to Add


From the search results:

  1. Select the person you want to add
  2. Select their role in your course site
  3. Select their section
  4. Select 'Add Person'

Screenshot of Find a Person to Add with Name, Role, Section and Add User highlighted 


The page will refresh and you will be taken back to the People list.

If you used method A, you will see a "Pending" flag next to the name of the person that you just added. If your course site is published, the invitee will get an email with a link to the course. Courses must be published for students to receive course invitations. They will also see a message, upon logging into bCourses, that they have been added to a course.

If you used method B, the new user will be fully enrolled.


How do I add concurrent enrollment/extension students to my site?

Concurrent enrollment students now receive a Berkeley (CalNet) UID number immediately upon paying their initial fees, and you may add them to your site by using the same procedure used for adding people with Berkeley (CalNet) UIDs, which will allow them access to your site prior to their enrollment being approved by your department. You do NOT need to sponsor concurrent enrollment and extension students as guests.

Can I add an auditing UC Berkeley student to my course site?

As long as they have a valid Berkeley (CalNet) UID number, auditing UC Berkeley students can be added to your course.

Can bCourses support staff add someone to my course site?

As a matter of policy, we require instructors/site owners to add users themselves whenever possible. That way, they are aware of who has access to their course materials and can interact with other members of the course site. Emergency requests to add users to a site (for the purposes of course continuity) are done on a case-by-case basis.

How do I find a person's Berkeley (CalNet) UID number?

You can find a person's Berkeley (CalNet) UID number by searching the UC Berkeley Campus Directory. Each user's information page includes the person's UID number, along with any other information that they have chosen to be publicly available.

How do I add a person who does not have a Berkeley (CalNet) UID number to my site?

Any person you'd like to add to your bCourses site who does NOT have a Berkeley (CalNet) UID number will first need a CalNet Sponsored Guest Account. Please see this help article to learn more: How can I add an auditor to my course?

I added someone but they're still showing as Pending. Why didn't they receive a course invitation?

Courses must be published for students to receive course notification emails, including invitations. Once the course is published, upon logging into bCourses they will see a message that they have been added to a course.

I tried to invite someone using their email address

bCourses uses addresses instead of addresses. If you are unable to find someone's email address, you can invite them by UID (which can be found in the campus directory) or name.

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