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Creating and sharing filters


3.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by Terri Kouba

2.0 - Updated on 2020-04-21 by Rich Meyer

1.0 - Authored on 2016-03-12 by Scott Hall

A filter is a set of conditions applied to a table in order to find and work with a subset of the data in that table. Users can apply, modify, create, and save filters. The current filter is indicated by a hierarchical list of conditions—breadcrumbs—at the top of the table.

Breadcrumbs offer a quick form of filter navigation. They are ordered from left to right, with the leftmost condition being the most general and the rightmost condition being the most specific. Clicking a breadcrumb removes all of the conditions to its right. Clicking the condition separator (>) before a condition removes only that condition.

To quickly filter a list using a value in a field, right-click in the field and select Show Matching or Filter Out (for date fields choose from Show Before, Show After, and Filter Out). These functions add a condition as a rightmost breadcrumb of the current filter.


To save or share a filter:

  1. Create or modify a filter.
  2. Open the condition builder by clicking the Show / hide filter icon beside the breadcrumbs.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Enter a name for the filter in the Save as field.
  5. Select who the filter is Visible to:
    • To create a personal filter for only your account, select Me.
    • To create a filter for a specific user group (requires special access rights), select Group and then enter or search for the group name.
  6. Click Save.


For more detailed information, see the ServiceNow Wiki article on Using Filters and Breadcrumbs