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What roles can I assign to users in my bCourses site, and what do each of them do?


6.0 - Updated on 2023-10-26 by Miles Lincoln

5.0 - Updated on 2020-08-24 by Seyon Wind

4.0 - Updated on 2019-09-24 by Seyon Wind

3.0 - Updated on 2019-02-21 by Seyon Wind

2.0 - Updated on 2019-08-08 by Steven Williams

1.0 - Authored on 2015-08-14 by Steven Williams

bCourses includes multiple roles that can be assigned in course and project sites:

Course Sites

Project Sites

The "Teacher", "TA", and "Student" roles are automatically granted to users based on their teaching or enrollment status in the campus student information system. bCourses synchronizes daily with CalCentral, around 7am, to import new or modified roles.

Teachers and TAs can also assign roles to reflect teaching responsibilities for the course that are not officially designated in CalCentral. The "Lead TA" role allows users to do everything that a Teacher can in a course site, with the exception of creating a site and adding other individuals as teachers, TAs, or course designers. The "Reader" role has some restrictions on the user's ability to edit course materials, but provides them with full access to student assignment and grading information.

The appropriate role for any given user is at the sole discretion of the bCourses site owner/instructor. Multiple individuals can be granted the "Lead TA" role, and GSIs can even be given the "Teacher" role if that best supports the instructor's preferred workflow.

For information about which bCourses roles have which permissions, review the PDF attached to this help document (UCBCanvasCourseLevelRoles_Fall17.pdf). For detailed information about these permissions, visit this Canvas document: Canvas Course Role Permissions

To learn more about how to assign any role to a bCourses user, see this bCourses help article: Adding people to your site


Attachments UCBCanvasCourseLevelRoles_Fall17.pdf