1. To create a new Special Purpose Account (SPA), visit http://bconnected.berkeley.edu . Select "Accounts" and "Create Accounts". If you already have a SPA but not an associated bMail account, skip to step #4.
2. Under CalNet Special Purpose Account (SPA) header, click "Submit Request to Create SPA"
3. You will be prompted to fill out the information for creating the SPA in the Identity Management System.
4. Using an incognito browser, login with your SPA credentials, following this format:
CalNet ID: +Your CalNet ID
For example, if your CalNet ID is "janedoe", you would enter: +janedoe
Passphrase: Enter your personal CalNet ID passphrase
3. Choose the SPA you want to create the bMail address for, and click "Sign in As"
4. Click "Continue"
5. Type "Yes" to agree to the Terms of Service
6. Click "Submit" to create the account