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Working with WiFi Accounts


9.0 - Updated on 2023-03-13 by Sean Schluntz

8.0 - Updated on 2022-10-07 by Sean Schluntz

7.0 - Updated on 2022-08-15 by Sean Schluntz

6.0 - Updated on 2022-08-12 by Sean Schluntz

5.0 - Updated on 2021-07-29 by Sean Schluntz

4.0 - Updated on 2021-07-29 by Sean Schluntz

3.0 - Updated on 2021-07-02 by Sean Schluntz

2.0 - Updated on 2020-10-29 by Sean Schluntz

1.0 - Authored on 2020-10-23 by Sean Schluntz

Eduroam and Airbears2 are the WiFi networks for the UC Berkeley campus community. In order to connect to eduroam or airbears2 individuals must create a token, or key, that will be used in place of their normal CalNet passphrase.

What types of accounts are supported on campus WiFi?

Note that visitors from other academic and research institutes who already have an eduroam account do not need to create a new one when visiting UC Berkeley. Eduroam accounts are shared world-wide.

This article covers the following topics:

Manage Your WiFi Key Page

  1. Navigate to the WiFi Keys service:

  2. You may be redirected to the CalNet authentication portal, if so log in using the account you want for wireless access

  3. Click the Manage Accounts link on the left hand side of the window and you will see the account management page

    WiFi Keys Manage Accounts Main Page

  4. When no accounts exist the only option is to create an account. If an account exists you can select it to be provided additional options

    WiFi Keys Managed Screen Account Selected

  5. The options available are


Creating a WiFi Account

Accounts can be created directly from the Account Management account.

  1. Click the Create button

    WiFi Keys Manage Accounts Page User Creation

  2. Enter your User ID into the Your User ID field, it must match the ID listed above it. This can be confusing asking you to enter a name that is already displayed but it is necessary for future expansion of the service.

  3. Leave Account Activation option set to Now

  4. Click Create

  5. The next screen will show you an automatically generated password for use with eduroam and airbears2

    WiFi Keys Managed Accounts Completed Account Creation


Resetting / Replacing your WiFi Password

  1. Select the username to see the available actions

  2. Select the Reset Password option under the username

  3. You will be presented with a new password, it is not yet active

    WiFi Keys Manage Accounts Password Reset

  4. Click Update Account to replace your existing password with the new password. If you do not want the new password click the Refresh button to return you to the user list


Disabling or Deleting a WiFi Account

  1. Select the username to see the available actions

  2. Select the Remove option under the username

  3. You will be presented the option to disable or delete the account

    WiFi Keys Manage Accounts Remove User

  4. Disabling an account will keep it in place but will stop it from working with WiFi. Deleting the account removes it from the database. Deleted accounts can be recreated at any time, including immediately after deletion

  5. Select either Disable account or Delete Account and click Make Changes

  6. If you not want to disable or delete your account you can click the Refresh button to return to the account list


Viewing / Printing your Password

  1. Select the username to see the available actions

  2. Select the Print option under the username

  3. You will be presented information about the account including the password

    WiFi Keys Manage Accounts Print Password

  4. You can use the pull-down to view formatted views to paste into another window or create a printable page