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Ally Course Accessibility Report Tutorial


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The Ally Course Accessibility Report analyzes your bCourses site for accessibility problems and displays results in an interactive dashboard. To enable this report, select the course where you'd like to turn on this feature. This tutorial uses the Videography 101 course. 

In the course navigation, scroll down and select Settings. 
The Course navigation menu with an arrow pointing to the Settings option.
At the top of the Settings page, select the Navigation link. 
A screenshot with an arrow pointing toward the Navigation menu option.
Locate the Ally Course Accessibility Report from the list of options. Select the three vertical dots at the end of this row and then select Enable. 
 An arrow pointing to the Navigation menu option and second arrow pointing to the row with the Ally Course Accessibility Report option.  Selecting the three vertical dots on this row opens a menu to Enable this feature.
After making this change, you must select the Save button on the bottom of this page.

The Ally Course Accessibility Report option now appears in the course navigation.

The Course Navigation Menu with an arrow pointing toward the Ally Course Accessibility Report option
Selecting this option opens the Ally Course Accessibility Report Dashboard, which offers a summary and an overview of the course by highlighting (items in the below numbered list are identified in the following screenshot):

  1. The accessibility score for the course.
  2. A distribution of course content.
  3. The ability to organize accessibility bugs with options to, "Fix low scoring content” and
  4. The ability to organize accessibility bugs based on "Content with the easiest issues to fix."
  5. The “Remaining Issues” option can also be organized by “Severity” and by “Issue”

Arrows pointing to the following Ally Course Accessibility Report Dashboard features:  1, The accessibility score for the course, 2, A distribution of course content, 3,The ability to organize accessibility bugs based on Content with the easiest issues to fix, 4, The ability to organize accessibility bugs with options to, Fix low scoring content, and 5, The “Remaining Issues” option can also be organized by Severity and by Issue
As you fix accessibility bugs, the Ally score improves.  These adjustments will make your course content more accessible for all learners.

For more information about accessibility and using this tool, contact