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How to create a bMail account for your SPA


2.0 - Updated on 2024-06-01 by Summer Scanlan

1.0 - Authored on 2015-11-12 by Adam Zukauckas


1. To create a new Special Purpose Account (SPA), visit Only UCB employees can create SPAs.

2. Once your SPA is created, open an incognito browser window and login with your SPA credentials, following this format:

CalNet ID: +Your CalNet ID

For example, if your CalNet ID is "janedoe", you would enter: +janedoe

Passphrase: Enter your personal CalNet ID passphrase



3. Choose the SPA you want to create the bMail address for, and click "Sign in As"



4. Click "Continue"


5. Type "Yes" to agree to the Terms of Service


6. Click "Submit" to create the account